Tag Archives: IDPs

Overestimation on Factors to UNHCR Mandate Shift

According to Betts, pressure for an international organization to change may not only come from the organization’s vertical relationships with states, but also from its horizontal relationships with other organizations. In the case of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Betts argues that changes in the external and the internal institutional environment were major forces that caused the expansion of the UNHCR mandate. However, Betts overestimates the effects of these forces. Continue reading Overestimation on Factors to UNHCR Mandate Shift

Hurricane that drags people away from Their homes and culture

The conversation about how we, as an international community, should deal with internally displaced persons(IDPs). We are unsure about many issues; weather to categories them as refugee or not, where to place them or even how to go about solving this problem is controversial. However, we agree on the fact that emigrating those who are dislocated by climate change will cause conflicts between IDPs and habitants of that relocation area. problems when and that we need a guideline for future cases. To create fewer conflicts, relocation of environmentally dislocated people should be dealt with in the state rather than across states.

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